How well you run your business can depend on a lot of things but the most crucial about every company is the people that work there. Besides having great deals, budget, marketing and plan, you would want your organization to have a certain type of culture and a soul. It happens in most cases that leaders forget how important the environment is and only when it becomes toxic they start thinking about it.
If you own a business with lots of employees, this problem can turn your company upside down and cause issues in other processes. This is why company culture assessment should be looked at constantly. The more satisfied the employees are the better the results will be. When the environment is toxic you can expect a loss in profits, bad behavior and drops in productivity. The great news is that it’s fixable and you will have many advantages when you have healthy cultures.
What It Represents?
It represents adjusting or repairing the way that an organization works when it comes to your worker’s behavior and other parts of the association. It involves analyzing its systems philosophy, experience and expectations but also values that are important for a healthy working environment. This is established through unwritten and written rules, beliefs and attitudes and a clear vision of the future.
Inside Talk
The first thing you can do when figuring out the current state of your firm is to listen to what stories they talk about in their free time. It takes time but it’s really easy to figure someone out and what stories they talk about repeatedly which indicated how they think towards a certain situation. This behavior usually reflects all over the firm and you can establish a picture of what it would look like in the next few years that are crucial for you.
If their beliefs are something that will help you going forward, you should support them. Represent the ideas to your stakeholders and write down things you would want them to say about your agency in the future. This is the foundation of the changes you will make in order to have a culture you desire and which will help you grow. Read more about it here: https://www.thebalancecareers.com/what-is-company-culture-2062000
Be an Example
Even that all four steps are very important, getting to know how your employees view you is probably the most important one. As a leader, you are able to establish a certain way of thinking and behavior that will move you forward. In many situations, it happens that companies hire consultants to work on other issues that will help their culture thinking that workers have a positive attitude towards their boss without realizing they are the issue.
People talk behind our backs all the time and it shouldn’t surprise you that they don’t like the way you act towards them and that they are not doing anything about it. You don’t even need consultants to check this you can see what they talk about on social media and what kind of comments they are making about the firm. This happens when leaders talk about certain changes but never achieving them to the fullest.
Examine Their Behavior
Knowing where to look for the issue is the biggest problem for most leaders. The one thing you can check is how they behave in certain situations. You would want them to act in a certain way in gatherings inside and outside of the company. Challenging the status quo, listen and seeking the views of others, offering their opinion and asking questions should be a standard in these situations.
It’s not recommended to operate in such a way where diversity isn’t valued but it happens that leaders shut down the ideas that challenge the status quo. You should ask your people about the things that are changing or where they are struggling and what they think about your opinion on it. They might even have a better idea to fix it because they are the starting point. Click here for more info.
Company Values
You might hear words like responsibility, teamwork and respect in many organizations but in most cases, they don’t truly think about the meaning of these words. Every culture has its own values and if they can’t say how it guides their decision-making, they are not really a part of the culture. If they talk about respect, check where and in which situation you can see it.
Besides having good values, think about those behaviors that are not respectful to the culture. You can check this by seeing how employees treat each other but also how they treat their leaders. This takes a lot of work in data collection so many companies hire third parties to help them out. They follow certain steps and do surveys and make strategies that will help you in the future.