As strange as it sounds, hentai toys and dolls are not all about sex. Yes, they are sexy. They can give you a hard on. But what happens after you’ve had all the sex in the world with your toy? What do you do after exhausting all the sex positions and fantasies with your hentai queen? Do you throw her away or gift her to a friend? Well, just like it happens in human to human relationships, there are a million and one things you can do. It’s all about keeping things fiery and exciting. One simple way to go about is by dressing up the doll. Consider the following ideas.
The Wig
Many hentai characters often have their hair dyed. There are some anime characters who seem to have different hair colours in different episodes. Follow the mantra too and get your hentai doll a set of different hair wigs with different colours. If you have the time and the energy, buy just one hair wig that’s easy to dye.
Never underestimate the power of revealing lingerie. Chances are, the thought alone of your doll in a revealing lingerie will give you a boner. One good thing about revealing lingerie options for hentai dolls is the fact that they are so easy to find. There’s also the fact that you can have so much fun playing around with lingerie ideas. You can for instance, match sexy G-strings with sexy, light coloured G-strings. Keep in mind that hentai toys boast of perfectly shaped bodies. You can therefore be certain that your doll will look like a supermodel with the right lingerie.
Lacy Dress
Turn your hentai toy into a sexy, irresistible seductress. This is easier than it sounds. Go for a high quality, red lacy dress. Another alternative here is a pleated skirt. Both of these options look amazing on full size hentai dolls. Be sure to go for lacy patters than easily accentuate the bust of your hentai doll.
Bonus Tip
Hentai sex dolls are more popular than you can imagine. There are now several online forums that bring hentai dolls lovers together. Many of them share dressing and general care tips. Find a forum, join anonymously and have fun with other likeminded members.